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What is Matchmaking?



This year, we will be offering two options in which seller will be able to meet with buyers.  There will be scheduled and unscheduled matchmaking.


Option 1: Unscheduled Matchmaking


During designated times throughout the agenda, the seller will have the opportunity to meet with the buyer on a first come, first serve basis.  They will have 8 minutes to meet until the moderator signals the room to go to next meeting. The seller then must conclude their meeting and move on to the next. These meetings do not require Scheduled Appointments and you may go to any buyers.  We would recommend you review the buyers' opportunities on the Event APP or this website prior to your meeting. Opportunities will be posted 14 days before the event. We ask that you please be considerate of time limits, as you would like others to do the same. 


Option 2: Scheduled Matchmaking


These are pre-scheduled meetings that are designed to help the seller locate a buyer that has a specific need. The sellers are pre-screened and assigned to meet with a government agency or large prime contractor representatives. The seller will have a preset allotted time scheduled during the event. The seller will have 8 minutes to meet. Those who request this type of method on their registration will be sent an email 14 days before the event begins. You will select your meeting requests at this time and will be issued a schedule no later than 72 hours before the event. We ask you review the buyers' opportunities and select based upon their requests. Some buyers may have open opportunities available, with no restrictions. We ask that you please be considerate of time limits, as you would like others to do the same. 


How does it work?


Matchmaking operates as a rapid interviewing process. The structure and flow of the appointment is determined by the personnel of the buying organizations conducting the interview(s).  Buyers will be seated at tables. Small business vendors will then be able to meet with them on a one-on-one basis for 8 minute increments.  When time is up, small business vendors must conclude and allow for next small business vendor. We ask that you please be considerate of buyers' time limits and other small business vendors as you would like others to do the same.  


Based on the total available appointments, you can select (5) unique meeting requests; remember, your selection does not guarantee a meeting with a buyer, for the following potential reasons(s): Buyer may not have a need for the product(s) and/or service(s) that you sell. You may not have the certifications the buyer is looking for. You may not have the professional licenses a buyer is looking for. Other reason(s) relevant to the Buyer. The process to select your Buyers for the Pre-Selected meeting option is very simple:


Rules posted at the top pre-scheduled meeting form must be reviewed prior to selection. Make (8) selections for agencies/primes that you are certain: Are looking for the product(s)/service(s) that you sell; Are looking for the certifications that you have; or are a good fit based on any other requested requirements that you can fulfill.



*** Please note, the deadline for submitting your matchmaking selections is: Friday, April 21, 2016 at the close of business (5PM EST). The request form is for those who want to pre-schedule meetings. Un-Scheduled meetings are on a ***first-come-first served basis*** there is no guarantee that a buyer is available or a meeting can be confirmed. Times and Buyers are subject to change.

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